Reading Committee
We love reading at Lincoln Elementary! We have a Reading Committee that has a goal to support and encourage a life-long love of reading. This committee facilitates the monthly reading calendars and provides incentives for reading! They are also responsible for hosting the Read-a-Thon each year.
Reading Calendar Information
On behalf of the PALS reading committee, we’d like to offer a big thank you to all our families for all you do to support the life-long love of reading for our students! To assist with this, our committee facilitates monthly reading calendars and provides incentives for students and classrooms who read the most. Each month, a reading calendar will be sent home in your child’s Wednesday envelope. Simply look at the printed reading requirement for your child’s grade level (also posted below), and initial each day that the reading time goal is met in the designated calendar box. Students who turn each monthly reading calendar in to their classroom teachers by the listed deadline will be entered into numerous raffles to earn incentives for their classroom!
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you this school year!
PALS Reading Committee
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you this school year!
PALS Reading Committee